Tatiana Cáceres-Nakiche
Peru - UPCH
Lab Coordinator

Tatiana Cáceres-Nakiche studied biology at the Federico Villarreal National University, has experience of more than seventeen years in Microbiology and Molecular Biology in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. She has worked on different research projects associated with the validation of new diagnostic methods in TB.

Currently, Tatiana is Humberto Guerra Allison’s Laboratory Coordinator of the Alexander von Humboldt Tropical Medicine Institute of the Peruvian Cayetano Heredia University. She coordinates feasibility and evaluation studies in the laboratory area in different research projects for the validation of new diagnostic methods in tuberculosis and most recently, COVID-19 and Specimen Collection Storage for different samples. Tatiana is a member of the IMTAvH-UPCH Biosafety and performs institute staff training for processing samples in tuberculosis and COVID-19 for entering to the laboratory.


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